
Farnborough Lions Club was chartered in 1978 and has worked hard in the last 4 decades to help those less fortunate in the Farnborough community. They have also helped schools, voluntary organisations and contributed financially to the work of Lions worldwide during natural and man made disasters. 

This page give a brief insight into their community work and fundraising activities.

December 2017 & 2023 - Food Donations

Staff from Think Ford and members of Farnborough & Guildford Lions Club pictured in 2017 with the donated food for less fortunaye families at Christmas

Staff from Loma Systems in Farnborough and the Lions load up food donations bound for the Lions Community Store for onward distribution to families in need at Christmas

Local businesses in Farnborough have for a number of years been supporting those in need, especially at Christmas. Our 2 pictures are prime examples of local companies who have generously donated foodstuff to the Lions for distribution to those in risk of going hungry at the festive period.

In 2017 the motor dealerships 'Think Ford' in Farnborough and Guildford held a food collections amongst their staff and customers collecting a large amount to donate to those in risk of going hungry at Christmas. 

Guildford and Farnborough Lions Clubs distributed these donations to local foodbanks to help those in need during the festive season.

In December 2023 'Loma Systems' - a high specification electronics manufacturer asked their 90 staff members based in Farnborough to donate food items to be distributed to local low income families this Christmas.

That appeal resulted in a large crate of foodstuff and seasonal goodies being collected at their Southwood factory. This generous donation was passed on through Farnborough Lions to the Lions Community Store to provide food parcels to those in need during December. In 2022 over 400 parcels were delivered around the North East Hampshire area to those who would otherwise go hungry. Since then, demand has increased and at the beginning of December the Lions were preparing over 600 food parcels for distribution at Christmas 2023.

For more details click here

Dec 2023 - Cherrywood School win ROAR Competition

The pupils at Cherrywood Primary School in Farnborough are roaring with pride after their team won the national ROAR 2023 Competition run by Lions Clubs nationwide and the Education Tech Company 8 Billion Ideas. 

Farnborough Lions Club sponsored their entry into the competition which encourages primary & junior School pupils to innovate and 'think big' to create 'world changing ideas' that will be of lasting benefit to us all.

Team 'Cherry on Top' won through their school heats to take part in the national final against over 20,000 other primary & junior school pupils in hundreds of schools nationwide broadcast via Zoom in early December. Click on the picture for the full story.

The victorious team from Cherrywood at the presentation with Lion President Steve Boast

September 2023 - Prostate Cancer Awareness Session

Farnborough Lions Prostate Cancer Screening Session

Alongside many other Lions Clubs nationwide Farnborough Lions gave free PSA blood tests to local men aged between 40 and 70 to detect prostate cancer. Of the 244 men tested 15 had abnormally high PSA levels indicating a high risk of cancer. These men were advised to seek further medical tests. 

A similar testing session is taking place on 12th Oct 2024 in conjunction with Cancer Testing South. 

Click here or on the poster to find out more and book a place.

 August 2023 - Toy Donation brings joy to local children

Farnborough Lions have always enjoyed close links with Frimley Park Hospital so when we were approached by a film company with the kind offer of a large donation of toys we gladly accepted. That resulted in the picture (right) when members of Farnborough Lions Club delivered large sacks of soft toys for the patients at the Children's Ward. These alongside numerous other toys and games were kindly donated by Hartswood Films following their use them on the film set filmed at the new film studios on the edge of Farnborough Airport.  

We are so grateful to Hartswood Films for this wonderful donation. It has enabled us to  distribute a large number of toys between The Lions Community Store, Frimley Park Hospital and the Evelina Children's Hospital in London. The Lions Community Store project is run by the Lions Clubs in North East Hampshire to recycle furniture, household goods, white goods, bedding and clothing for onward donation to less fortunate families in this area. 

Every Christmas the Community Store provide food parcels to those in danger of going hungry over the festive period. Included in these food parcels are gifts for the children who would otherwise not enjoy Christmas in the same way as their school friends. Last year the Lions Community Store provided 400 food parcels in this area, 113 of which were in Farnborough. Each family parcel contained gifts for the children.

Click here for the full story.

 Farnborough Lions pictured with the nursing staff at the Children's ward of Frimley Park Hospital

Toys being taken to the Lions Community Store for donation to families in need at Christmas

September 2022 - ROAR

In the autumn term of 2022 Farnborough Lions entered 3 schools into the Lions Clubs ROAR Competition. This national competition encourages primary and junior school children to 'think big' and create a world changing idea which will benefit humanity as a whole.

The children then get that idea down on paper and work in teams to create a prototype of how that idea will work, before producing an advertising poster and radio jingle together with a presentation to give to a panel of judges to explain their idea. Video are made of the presentations and each school winner submitted to the national final. This video shows the children and teachers from Cherrywood School, Farnborough telling us how they have benefited from taking part in ROAR 2022.

This podcast from B Radio with video and pictures detail show the children enjoy taking part in ROAR.

February 2021 - Computers for Schools

Since the spring of 2019 Lions Clubs in Farnborough, Fleet, Hart, Aldershot, Hook & Odiham and Yateley have been collecting computers, laptops and computer peripherals that have been upgraded from schools and businesses. 

These are then refurbished and loaded with up to date operating systems and free software before being made available, free of charge to local non profit organisations, charities, schools and families in need.  

This was especially the case during the covid restrictions when local school pupils were forced to self isolate. 

During 2020/21 over 300 computers have been distributed to families in Farnborough allowing their children's schoolwork to continue. That translates to a value in excess of £36,900 in Farnborough alone. Altogether 773 computers, laptops and tablets have been donated throughout the area by the local Lions Clubs at an estimated value of  £115,950.  

Donated computers being used for home schooling

February 2020 - Acornwood Pre-School

Farnborough Lions at the presenttion of the ne 'Den' at Acornwood Pre School

Farnborough Lions the pleasure in February 2020 of seeing the 'Den' we purchased for the Acornwood Pre-School being used for the first time by the children. This Den was donated to enable the Pre-school in Southwood to enhance the role-play area for the children so increasing the focus on language development and personal, social & emotional skills. Within a few minutes of the presentation picture being taken, the children were happily playing in the 'Den'.

Children enjoying their new Den at Acornwood Pre School

September 2019 - Minibus Donation to FCOT

Resplendent in the new paintwork Farnborough College of Technology minibus is ready to take its Foundation Course Students to various work experience placements

The Lions Clubs of Farnborough, Aldershot, Fleet,  Hook & Odiham, Hart and Yateley & District banded together with student parents to buy a minibus to transport foundation studies students with special needs from Farnborough College of Technology (FCOT) to companies and work venues throughout north east Hampshire and Surrey. This gives them work experience to improve their employability skills, independence and confidence. Much of the funds raised by Farnborough Lions came from our bi-annual Quiz Nights. Click here to see more details as explained at the Autumn 2019 Quiz Night and a video made by the Media Studies Department at Farnborough College of Technology showing the minibus in use.

March 2019 - Best Use of Social Media Award

A small contingent of Farnborough Lions attended the District 105D Convention in March 2019 at Weymouth. Among the days business is an award ceremony and Farnborough Lions Club was presented with the award for the best use of social media in the 65 Lions Clubs in central southern England. Pictured is Farnborough Lions Club Secretary Richard Keeley (left) receiving the Social Media Award from District Governor Ken Staniforth.

The presentation of the best use of social media award 2019 to Farnborough Lions Club

December 2018 - Parkside Centre

Members of the Gateway Club enjoy their Christmas Party at ParksideFarnborough & Aldershot Lions serving the Christmas spread at Parkside

Every year Farnborough Lions Club have supplied the catering for the Gateway Club Christmas Party at Parkside Aldershot & District Learning Disability Centre. 

The Lions have had a long association with Parkside with a member of Farnborough Lions Club helping to build the centre over 30 years ago.

This association has continued with Aldershot Lions assisting year on year at this delightful event.

April 2018 - Farnborough Classic Car Show

At the end of April 2018 we saw 70 vintage and classic motor cars, military vehicles and motor cycles stretch the length of the Queensmead Shopping Centre in aid of the Frimley Park Hospital StrokeAppeal.
Although admission to the event was free, the people of Farnborough and surrounding district were outstanding in their support enabling the Lions to raise £1,600 for the Hospital Stroke Appeal and £466 for the Lions welfare funds to help good causes within the local community.

The annual Farnborough Classic Car Show takes place in Queensmead on the last Saturday in April each year.

For more information click here...

Just a few of the 70 cars lining Queensmead in the 2018 Farnborough Classic Car Show

May 2017- Farnborough Donkey Derby

Children enjoy the Pick a Pin game while helping to raise funds for the Lions community work in Farnborough

This was our first outdoor fund raising event of 2017 with the coconut shy, skittle alley and pick a pin games at Farnborough Donkey Derby. During the annual late Spring Bank Holiday event Farnborough Lions raised funds for their work within the local community, nationwide and for Lions International projects worldwide. Our thanks  to the generous people of Farnborough for their kind support.

For further details click here...

February 2016 - Cancer Wellbeing

The Frimley Park Hospital CQC organised a Cancer Wellbeing Day at the Princes Hall in Aldershot inviting local caring organisations to attend to exhibit their support for people suffering from cancer.

Talks were also given by medical professionals on how to cope with a cancer diagnosis.

Message in a bottle emergencydetails package

Farnborough Lions attended with their 'Message in a Bottle' scheme which gives away free plastic containers which stores details of a patient's medical history in their refrigerator. Stickers are then placed on the fridge door and front door so emergency services know where to access these details if called in an emergency.

Farnborough Lions 'Message in a Bottle' stand at Rushmoor Cancer Wellbeing Day
The Lions 'Message in a Bottle' stand at Rushmoor Cancer Wellbeing Day

October 2014 - Bowling ChallengeThe triumphant Farnborough team at the 2014 bowling challenge

The annual 10 pin bowling competition between Farnborough and Farnham Lions Clubs in September has been a resounding success. Nearly 50 Lions and their partrners took over all the lanes at the Pine Ridge Golf Centre. The atmosphere of friendly competition, easy conversation and varied bowling abilities made an excellent evening out for both Lions Clubs. The evening comprised of the annual bowling challenge for the 'Farnborough Lions Cup' with a team competition between both clubs with awards also going to the best individual players. A delicious meal was served at half time by staff at Pine Ridge. With everything to play for, Farnborough Lions turned around the form of previous years by taking the team trophy and the best female bowling prizes for the evening.

Flying high in July 2014

All Lions clubs worldwide celebrate the formation of their local club annually with a high profile social event.

Following this custom Farnborough Lions Lions celebrated their Club's 36th Charter Anniversary Dinner in June to mark the Lions work in the community since 1978. It was held in the Farnborough Air Sciences Trust (FAST) Museum in the pavilion housing the life sized replica of the 'Cody Flyer' the first aircraft to achieve sustained flight in the Great Britain in 1908. 

As Farnborough Lions have worked in the heart of the community for so many years we feel it is especially appropriate to celebrate our anniversary in such an iconic setting alongside this unique replica of British aviation history. The evening was especially interesting as the museum was also open for the Lions and their guests to tour before the anniversary dinner.

Farnborough Lions and their guests pictured in front of the Cody Flyer at the FAST Museum

Medical Centre Donation November 2014

Ray Bentley tests the blood pressure monitor at Mayfield Medical Centre with Dr Jeanette Heaps

Farnborough Lions donated £1,800 to the Mayfield Medical Centre to purchase a computerised 'ambulatory blood pressure monitor'. This specialised machine enables diagnosis far more rapidly by monitoring a patient's blood pressure over a 24 hour period. 

The figures are then downloaded to a computer. Dr Ginette Heeps said "The waiting list for blood pressure monitoring has already been cleared, resulting in more patients now being tested. The additional advantage with the new monitor is that patients whose blood pressure goes up when they visit the medical centre are avoiding unnecessary treatment". Farnborough Lions Welfare Chairman Ray Bentley added "We are delighted to purchase thus equipment for the Mayfield Medical Centre. The new machine machine comes with software and calibration support for 4 years so the Lions are looking forward to it helping many of the centre's 10,000 patients for many years to come".