Aldershot Lions Fight Hunger

As part of the work of Lions Clubs International each Individual Lions Club helps towards alleviating hunger in their own communities and on a wider basis.

Aldershot Lion Ian Hambleton was appointed District 105SC Hunger Officer co-ordinating initiatives with all the Lions Clubs in the south of England to fight hunger.

Part of that remit is to seek out excess crops to 'glean' and harvest for onward distribution to hunger charities in the UK.

Our pictures shows the volunteer Lions under the leadership of Ian Hambleton harvesting carrots and potatoes on the first District 105SC glean in the beautiful walled garden of Dorset's Cranborne Estate. Huge thanks went out to head gardener Mark and his team of Estate staff for their assistance together with other members of Aldershot Lions, Wimborne and Ferndown Lions and Poole Lions. Further support on the day was given by the National Lions Hunger Officer Lion Chris Hibbert and his wife Sue from the New Century Lions Club 

600Kg of carrots and potatoes bound for foodbanks in the south of England

On the day the Lions volunteers harvested over 300kg of carrots and a further 300kg of potatoes which were collected by Fareshare a few days later for onward distribution to foodbanks in the south of England.

Lions from across the south of England harvesting carrots and potatoes on the Cranborne Estate

Ian Hambleton gleaning carrots from the walled garden on the Cranmore Estate.