Recognition for Lions Fundraising
Rushmoor Volunteer Recognition Awards
Farnborough & Aldershot Lions Club were honoured to receive a recognition award from Rushmoor Voluntary Services at the annual Community Champions Awards Ceremony at Rushmoor Council Offices in November.
The award citation read "This charity is truly remarkable, driven by a team of dedicated volunteers who tirelessly raise funds for a variety of important causes. Their commitment to making a difference is evident in the extensive work they have done for their community. These volunteers not only contribute their time and effort but also bring a sense of hope and support to those they help. The impact of their work is deeply felt and greatly appreciated by everyone in the community".
We in Farnborough & Aldershot Lions would like to thank Rushmoor Voluntary Services and Rushmoor Borough Council for the recognition this award has given. More than ever we would like to thank the people of Rushmoor for their generous support for our fundraising and community service projects.
A recent example of this outstanding support is when teams of Lions joined forces with volunteers from the Royal British Legion at Morrisons Supermarket in Southwood collecting for the annual poppy appeal. As a result a magnificent £6646.85 was raised for the Royal British Legion who help armed forces veterans in numerous ways.
For further information on how the local Lions Club fundraising events have helped individual people in need and other charities throughout Rushmoor CLICK HERE.