March 2025 Quiz Night

The first of Farnborough & Aldershot Lions Quiz Nights of 2025 took place at St Marks Hall on 15th March. The evening approached previous record takings making an amazing £835.85 profit to help towards the cost of the Prostate Cancer Testing Session for Rushmoor in October.

20 teams took part answering questions gleaned from clues by song titles. These included the Bee Gees - More than a Woman, Madonna - Vogue, Arctic Monkeys - Do I want to Know and The Kinks - State of Confusion. During the interval, the teams solved the 'Guess the Landmark' picture. 

Click here to view the final scores

For much of the evening it was neck and neck between 3 teams - 'Marks's Marvels', 'Game for a Laugh' and 'The Not Going Out Gang' with just 1.5 points between the top 3 places. Eventually 'The Not Going Out Gang' were the final winners taking the lead in the last round to win with 74 points. 'Game for a Laugh' came in second with 72 points and 'Mark's Marvels' were third with 71.5 points. For a full list of team scores click on the scoreboard icon to the right.

Thanks to this phenomenal support from the quiz teams in the Rushmoor, Hart and Farnham areas, Farnborough & Aldershot Lions will be able to help more men with free PSA blood tests for Prostate Cancer at our screening session on October. 

The next Lions Quiz Night in Rushmoor is taking place at The Excelsior Club in Aldershot on Friday 2nd May 2025. For booking details CLICK HERE.  Save the date and book early to avoid disappointment. 

Some of the 20 Teams taking part at the start of the Quiz Night
Some of the 20 Teams taking part at the start of the Quiz Night

Concentration on the faces of Quiz Night Contestants during the first round.
Concentration on the faces of Quiz Night Contestants during the first round.
The victorious Not Going Out Gang celebrate their victory
The victorious Not Going Out Gang celebrate their victory