Welfare Projects

Most clubs make a basic decision as to the composition of their welfare program based upon how much money they can raise through Fund Raising. If they can make a reasonable amount then the Welfare program usually consists of donations of money or equipment to local charities and other good causes.

If a club can only raise limited funds, then the Welfare program tends to be more hands on, providing practical assistance rather than via donations.

At Farnborough we try to do a combination of both. Over 95% of the money we raise is used locally. A small percentage goes to fund international projects such as our ongoing sight preservation program and disaster relief programs.

We have in recent months donated funds to:

 LCI emblem The donation of 295 refurbished computers in 2020 to families in Farnborough for their children's home education. Details here

 LCI emblem A donation to Step by Step to help shelter, accommodate and feed 5 homeless young people at Christmas.

 LCI emblem A £200 donation to the Lions Community Store for their 2020 Christmas food parcel appeal for families in hardship.

 LCI emblem Purchasing a minibus for Farnborough College of Technology with the 5 other Lions Clubs in our zone - £2,700. Details here 

 LCI emblem The donation of 170 Kilograms of food to families in need in the Rushmoor area. Click here for details

 LCI emblem The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice - £500. Click here for details.

 LCI emblem Acornwood Pre-School to purchase 'The Den' to enhance the role play area - £350. Click here for further details

 LCI emblem Funfest 2019. The Lions Annual Zone Project to give families with physical & learning disabilities a fun day out - £500. Click here 

 LCI emblem Providing the catering for the Parkside Centre Aldershot 2019 Christmas Party - £110. Click here for details

 Contact Farnborough & Aldershot Lions on 0345 833 4345