Minibus Pride at Farnborough Quiz Night  

Click here to view the videoThe second of the twice yearly quiz nights in 2019 was an outstanding success with 23 teams enjoying an excellent competition raising a magnificent £900 for Lions charitable work locally, nationally and overseas. The evening also celebrated the successful purchase of a minibus for the Foundation Studies Department at Farnborough College of Technology which the 6 Lions Clubs in the Rushmoor area worked together with parents of the special needs students to accomplish.

 Liz Wilson, the Programme Manager for the Foundation Studies Department at Farnborough College gave a short presentation to tell the story of how the students benefit from using the minibus. A video of thanks made by the College was shown in appreciation to the Quiz Night audience. To access the video page click on the minibus picture on the left above.  

The quiz continued with question topics varying between Cow Boys & Injuns, Women in History, Quotes, to Halloween, Beatles and Musical Instruments. The close fought competition finished with 'The Villagers' team being victorious beating 2nd place 'Quizzical Bears' by just one point and 'The Vikings' coming third one point behind that. Only 4 points split the top four places. For the full table of scores click on the score sheet icon on the right.

Once again Farnborough Lions are very grateful for the generous support of the quiz night competitors making the second quiz night of 2019 such a success. 

   Liz Wilson pesents the story of the Farnborough College minibus Quiz Night Contestants at the Autumn 2019 event The victorious Villagers, winners of the Autumn Quiz Night