Lions working together to help local pupils with home schooling
Despite the community work of Farnborough Lions Club being severely curtailed during the covid restrictions we are still helping local people in a variety of ways.

Once schools closed last year it quickly became apparent that many pupils in Farnborough did not have access to computers to carry out schoolwork at home. The Lions Clubs in Hart and Rushmoor banded together to collect, clean and refurbish unused computers from local business, schools and local authorities before donating them, free of charge to families who otherwise could not afford them.
Since March last year 291 computers have been distributed to families in Farnborough allowing their children's schoolwork to continue.
That translates to a value of £36,900 in Farnborough alone. Altogether 773 computers, laptops and tablets have been donated throughout the area by the local Lions Clubs at an estimated value of £115,950.
Shortly after Christmas, Graham Drayton of the IT Team was talking about school home learning on BBC Radio Surrey which resulted in a batch of brand new computers being donated to the project by a company in Farnham. Also computer donations have come in from Hart District Council, a company in Bracknell and from as far afield as Southampton and many members of the public through the BBC Make a Difference Campaign.
We'd like to convey our sincere thanks for all these generous donations.